How International Trips Innovate Careers in Education

The digital transformation in today’s education continues to encourage teachers to innovate their classrooms, and those virtual skills will need to eventually be mastered in person. As teachers build more online experiences for students, they also have an opportunity to take the right steps in a new direction will prepare students for the future of a globalizing world.

The digital transformation in today’s education continues to push teachers to innovate their classrooms, and those virtual skills will need to eventually be mastered in person. As teachers build more online experiences for students, they also have an opportunity to take the right steps in a new direction that will prepare students to go abroad and embrace the future of a globalizing world.

The students and teachers who prepare and prep for those experiences now will put themselves in a better place to innovate their respective futures. Read on to learn how teachers at the middle school and high school level now have an opportunity to use virtual tools to build skills, enhance their classroom and create an immersive learning experience for their students.



Like a class curriculum, a short term study abroad program takes a lot of planning that can be overwhelming if it’s not structured. Organization and time management skills are absolutely vital for your position and are important traits for your professional profile. Through planning school trips, you can make your institution stand out with an international program!

Ordinary school trips are common - almost two-thirds of domestic educational trips stay either in the same state as the school or within 50 miles in the area - but an international program stands out. It shows an important innovation to keep up with an increasingly global society that spans far beyond the classroom! 


The students and teachers love experiencing the world through our custom programs because they extend the learning objectives and the school’s mission beyond the classroom! The core behind a truly meaningful international program comes from connecting students with communities around the world. 


Travel makes education last: from a survey of 400 adults who took educational trips between ages 12 and 18, over 300 said that their experience with travel made them more interested in what they were learning in school. This data comes from secondary education school trips staying in the country; imagine how much more interested students can become in your class material after an educational adventure in a foreign country!

You can also liven up your existing class material with pictures from class trips abroad! You might just inspire more students to learn more through their own travels!

Our passion comes from our desire to bring learning to life is our passion! For us, the best way to bring education to life is through traveling. The students and teachers we work with love experiencing the world through our custom, short-term study abroad programs.


Add a new, unforgettable element as enrichment to your school’s curriculum. There is so much students can learn from a trip abroad beyond the culture and history of a place. Students can also gain new perspectives that they can use to think outside of the box.


Immersive trips abroad can also inspire students to write engaging, one-of-a-kind stories for their college applications! Colleges are always looking for openness and eagerness in their prospective students. It takes a great teacher to bring out the best in students, and you can play a role in bringing your students’ successes and your school’s standing to a higher level!


Taking your students abroad is more than a field trip - it is a new combination of experiences that can improve the futures of your students, your school, and your own! It challenges what they know to be true, their beliefs of the world and it inspires them to want to learn more. 


In a short period of time, you can develop advanced planning and management skills to add something special to your curriculum and to your professional development, but you can also affect the lives of young people behind your classes and extracurricular activities at school. There are obstacles that all students face when considering going abroad, and our role will be to provide you the tools to support students so those barriers become solvable challenges, and we’re here to help support that!

Take your students and your school beyond their boundaries and boost your career with new fun skills at the same time!

Want to gain more perspective on ways to how you can make bring international experiences onto your campus? To learn more, check out our feature on two-time program alumni and former Spanish teacher Greg Semplice in how Teachers Can Bring The World Into The Classroom and see he used his time abroad to provide him inspiration to support his school community!



Travel Improves Educational Attainment & Future Success.” WYSE Travel Confederation, 2 

Dec. 2019,

Peltier, Dan, and James O'Brien. “5 Charts Showing Student Traveler Preferences in the U.S. and 

Abroad.” Skift, 15 July 2016,

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Travel Prep and Planning Now: Benefits For Students and Teachers

At EdOdyssey, we believe that travel changes people, and people change the world. Visiting a foreign country invites people to pursue new experiences and adopt different viewpoints of the world. Like students, travelers are always learning new things and pondering how their new knowledge fits into their lives.

At EdOdyssey, we believe that travel changes people, and people change the world. We know that students experience travel differently at different points in their lives, and educators and school communities play a pivotal role in showing their students the meaning of these experiences.

Visiting a foreign country invites people to pursue new experiences and adopt different viewpoints of the world. Like students, travelers are always learning new things and pondering how their new knowledge fits into their lives.


Travel plays a pivotal role in any student’s experience. School trips add a more adventurous and interactive side to course material. As students grow older and prepare for life after graduating from high school, it is important to provide them with formative experiences that leave a lasting impact afterward and further promote their personal growth.

As avid travelers and educators ourselves, we believe that traveling to a different country can provide students with exactly these experiences, and we believe that you - teachers, parents and communities - can make them happen.

Beginners in student travel, or global student travel experts, have an opportunity to plan to expand classes into a global setting. Now is the perfect time to learn how to develop or be a part of the moment to enhance your school’s experiential learning programs abroad, and you’ll see the long term benefits of preparing and planning for student travel.


What do you imagine when you see the phrase “Youth Travel?” A group of twenty-somethings backpacking in foreign countries? College students studying abroad for a semester or two?

While a lot of people travel in their late teens and early twenties, youth travel begins before then in high school.


Young people start traveling before they head off to college and become young professionals. According to the World Youth Student and Educational Travel Confederation (WYSETC), young people make up 23% of international airports around the world!  This survey includes people as young as 15; high school students are among the millions of young people traveling abroad.

High school students also made up a majority of the young people surveyed about their interest in international experience earlier this year. According to data from Statista, over 10,000 of the 18,000 total participants stated that they wanted to experience travel abroad! From the same survey, 8,000 students also said that they were very interested in a study abroad or international exchange program.

Even during a time of travel restrictions, it is important to keep a global perspective and continue planning for international trips for the future. After thousands of students were sent home earlier this year, Ahmad Ezzeddine, the Associate Vice President of Educational Outreach and International Programs of the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs (NAFSA: Association of International Educators) said about the worldwide nature of the current situation:

“It’s a perfect example of how everything we’re dealing with has a global nature. It’s why we need to continue to invest in study abroad and the international experience.”


The excitement of adventure does not end after the trip is over - students bring home new experiences and memories that will last a lifetime! The impact that travel has on them during the trip stays with them and can benefit their success in high school and beyond. 

Exploring a different part of the world challenges students to approach topics from new perspectives.

Travel also grants students an opportunity to develop their own viewpoints. Their experiences in a different country are perfect to make their college applications stand out! Each student interprets travel experiences differently, and their unique stories can distinguish them from other applicants and wow the college admissions officers!


Bringing students abroad in high school inspires them to keep traveling and learning on their own beyond the educational setting! A 2016 survey focusing on youth travel states “28 percent of students who travel take more than one trip per year and those traveling between ages 10 and 18 are more likely to return to the destination later in life.” (Peltier and O'Brien 5 Charts Showing Student Traveler Preferences in the U.S. and Abroad)


Just because travel is on hold doesn’t mean that planning has to be. This is the perfect time to plan a trip abroad. This fall, EdOdyssey is hosting its first-ever Global Student Program Certificate for Educators course. Teachers, administrators, and faculty will have a chance to learn skills to develop, market, and enrich school trips abroad.

You’ll have the chance to take any of your benchmarks, your learning objectives, and your content area’s curriculum to infuse them into the design of your program for almost any theme and content area(s). As educators ourselves, we’ll show you how we build a trip that also functions as an academic program that prioritizes student learning while still creating a fun, enriching program.


Pick and choose from different modules, and get certified after completing the entire program. With the right travel planning and management skills tailored for you, you will be able to make international trips a reality for you and your students.

As Matthew Wolfe, an EdOdyssey featured traveler, wrote about his experience abroad, Being able to see the world from a completely different perspective in another country is an opportunity that you simply should never pass up.”

To explore more about the benefits of travel prep and planning now, learn more about The Four Major Benefits Of Customizable Programs!

Ready to start planning?


Duffin, Erin. “Interest among Students about International Experiences by Type U.S. 2020.” 

Statista, 13 July 2020,

Peltier, Dan, and James O'Brien. “5 Charts Showing Student Traveler Preferences in the U.S. 

and Abroad.” Skift, 15 July 2016,

Rifai, Taleb. “Facts and Stats.” WYSE Travel Confederation, 2020,

Toner, Mark, et al. “Internationalization, Interrupted.” NAFSA, 1 Apr. 2020,

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virtual programs, education Sarah Shorter virtual programs, education Sarah Shorter

 Understanding the Importance of Indigenous Rights and Legal Pluralism: A Virtual Study Abroad Experience

People of drastically different cultures are connected globally in numerous ways. In a world so globalized, it is important to possess knowledge about human rights, interculturality, and history in order to understand their impacts on the present. This exciting virtual course is offered by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) in Lima, Peru. It will provide a global perspective, with a specific focus on Peru, about indigenous rights and how cultural diversity and ethnic identity play a crucial role in construction of government policies.

People of drastically different cultures are connected globally in numerous ways. In this globalized world, cultural knowledge related to human rights, interculturality, history and traditions is important to building context around these topics and understanding their sociocultural impacts on the present. Through cultural modules and coursework, you’ll gain a global perspective with a specific focus on Peru, about indigenous rights and how cultural diversity and ethnic identity play a crucial role in construction of government policies. 

You’ll have an opportunity to learn from professors in Lima, Peru through the virtual course in collaboration with Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) and you’ll extend that knowledge into your discussions, presentations, and more during your cultural module sessions.

In addition to your two-credit PUCP course, you’ll gain cultural insight through the virtual classroom experience that will be a fun and exciting opportunity to learn more about Peru, its culture, and society. Discussions with the EdOdyssey team members, and guest speakers, will bring topics learned in the PUCP courses to life and will provide additional room for discussion.

Additionally, this will be a great chance for students to better get to know each other, and create community together and with the EdOdyssey local team based in Peru. 


Earth is home to over 300 million indigenous people. According to the United Nations, “indigenous peoples are the holders of unique languages, knowledge systems and beliefs and possess invaluable knowledge of practices for the sustainable management of natural resources” (UN). On every continent, indigenous people must navigate their place within society and their, often complicated, relationship with the national government. 

This course will use human rights and interculturality approaches to analyze problems of indigenous populations and their relations with the state. Moreover, students will learn how historical events influence laws related to the rights of indigenous peoples, and what the practical applications of legal pluralism are. Focusing specifically on Peru, the Peruvian professors will draw on their education, experience, and research in order to teach these intriguing and important topics. 

How This Course Connects To Your Future

Cultural competency is key in any profession that you pursue. Moreover, indigenous people and groups live all over the world. In the U.S., for example, Native Americans face similar challenges to other global indigenous peoples, despite having certain legal statuses or protections as indigenous people, or as people living on state-protected reservations. 

The discussion of Indigenous Rights also gives us the opportunity to reconcile the contemporary idea of progress with how Indigenous people view the use of their land. Contemporary views of progress associate this word with the construction of cities and the creation of industry in lands previously occupied by nature. On the other hand, many indigenous peoples share a culture in which progress is understood as an ever increasing connection with the natural resources available to them and their conservation through sustainable use and balance. Understanding this observable fact is key when answering the question of what rights is a person or people entitled to.


More broadly, understanding human rights issues promotes an equitable world for all people, and for progress toward a better future for all. Understanding and valuing the diversity of future colleagues, roommates, friends, or family creates a safe environment for learning and supports successful relationship building. 

Students will leave this experience having learned from highly knowledgeable Peruvian professors and EdOdyssey team members. Knowledge and demonstrated interest in subjects that are “off the beaten path” will make students stand out in the future, as well as be able to provide new and important perspectives to conversations with peers and fellow academics. The contacts that students make during this virtual experience, both with fellow classmates and with educators, will be useful tools in the future. 

Combining the Virtual Classroom and Culture

During this program, students will learn about Peruvian culture with the EdOdyssey team in order to best put new knowledge from their PUCP course into context. Various presenters and presentations will cover different themes related to Peruvian society, culture, and life, helping students to best understand the course material. 

Additionally, there will be numerous opportunities to ask questions to and hear from people with different perspectives. Professors, study abroad alumni, EdOdyssey founder, team members from Peru, staff, and interns will all be sharing their experiences, insights and knowledge with students, and be more than willing to answer questions!

Beyond Academics: A Peruvian Experience

A key aspect of this virtual study abroad experience will be that students engage with the EdOdyssey team from Lima, Peru. We asked Luis Garcia, a PUCP graduate and EdOdyssey’s Cultural Advisor in Lima, about what he’s most excited about in regards to this course and here’s what he had to say: 


“Historically, indigenous people in Peru have been relegated to a position of subordination and their needs have rarely been taken into account when it comes to Government Policy.

I am excited for this course because it is an opportunity to explore the culture of Indigenous People in Peru and vindicate their importance as the first people who shared their land with nature on Peruvian soil. I am also excited about this course because it discusses important matters related to the property of our Indigenous Communities and their inclusion into the Peruvian legal system. 

It’s also great that we will have the opportunity to discuss this with other students because many countries around the world share their territories with Indigenous Communities and this can lead to discussions that result in the future creation of policy to recognize Universal Indigenous Rights.”


As COVID-19 continues to affect the world, educational opportunities continue to shift with the times. The EdOdyssey team is excited to join you on this virtual journey and support your cultural and academic growth along the way.

Use this semester to create a new network of students and diverse professionals, and to expand both your global knowledge and cultural competencies. If you still have a few years left in high school or college, or you’ve graduated, you’ll have a chance to get a sense of what it may be like to study abroad and travel in Peru. 

The world is full of exciting new information and opportunities and this is a wonderful way to expand your knowledge without going an inch beyond your computer. Well, except when you join in on the cultural module’s cooking class!

Want to learn more about virtual study abroad?

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Peruvian History and Culture: Millennia of Civilization and A Changing Future Ahead

Peruvian History and Culture may sound like a class you could enroll in at your home institution, but taking the course through a program in the actual country brings a deeper perspective and relevancy to the topic. Furthermore, the instructors from PUCP are experts in their fields who live and breathe the Peruvian experiences themselves. They teach from what they study and observe in Peru firsthand.

Studying abroad is like forming a new friendship: you start out somewhat, if not completely, a stranger. It takes a bit of time to grow familiar with the place but eventually, you begin to know the people and environment there on a deeper level and appreciate even the smallest experiences you share together. The bond you form with a place abroad is one that you will never forget and one that you will cherish long after you return home.


That special connection comes from the newness of venturing outside of the world you grew up in. So many people have experiences and viewpoints that are so different from your own. Studying abroad challenges you to take in the perspectives of people from a different country and incorporate this new knowledge into your interpretation of the world.

A critical part of achieving this level of understanding stems from understanding the history and culture of a place. As students in a global society, we have the opportunity to learn about the deeper aspects of another nation without leaving our own home countries. We are fortunate to maintain connections with other people across the world through the internet.

This upcoming semester, EdOdyssey can bring you a special opportunity to explore the foundational aspects of a different country from people who live there. Beyond taking courses at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), one of Peru’s top universities, you can connect with your classmates through meaningful discussions and engage with guest speakers online!


For millennia, the land that is now modern Peru has been the center of ancient civilizations. The impact that the ancient Peruvians left is so great that archaeologists are not only learning about the history of the region from their ruins and artifacts, but also about human history as a whole. Remnants of complex structures on the high mountain ridge continue to tell the tales of the country’s epic history today.


Peru is home to the famous Machu Picchu, a 15th century Incan fortress that stands as an iconic United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. While the site dates to the time of the infamous conquest of the New World, Machu Picchu was actually spared from destruction because the conquistadors never found it after they invaded the nearby Incan capital of Cuzco.

While Machu Picchu stands as a monument of an untouched Peru, other places in the country faced decades and even centuries of conflict. In addition to exploring the history of the ancient civilizations of the Andes and the historic impact that the Age of Exploration had on the place, the course will also examine how different factors such as cultural traditions, racial and gender identity, representation in art and literature, and global relations have shaped the development of modern Peru.


Peruvian History and Culture may sound like a class you could enroll in at your home institution, but taking the course through a program in the actual country brings a deeper perspective and relevancy to the topic. Furthermore, the instructors from PUCP are experts in their fields who live and breathe the Peruvian experiences themselves. They teach from what they study and observe in Peru firsthand.

Out of the many courses you take in your college career, Peruvian and History and Culture is sure to be a unique one for your transcript! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn outside of class as well: we will be offering weekly modules exploring more of Peru’s history and culture!

Want to learn more about virtual study abroad?

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Understanding Why Medical Spanish and Hispanic Cultural Knowledge Matters in Healthcare

The need for Spanish speaking professionals continues to rise, and students and professionals who want to prepare for the future of healthcare will require training that combines language, culture and best practices.

The need for Spanish speaking professionals continues to rise, and students and professionals who want to prepare for the future of healthcare will require training that combines language, culture and best practices.  The Latinx Patient: Spanish and Culture for Healthcare program will be taught online by Peruvian professionals. They will fuse learning of critical Spanish vocabulary related to the medical field with cultural contextualization of Latin American immigrant populations in the U.S. 

When you combine language learning with cultural modules, you develop a wider context that will help you continue developing into a more well rounded professional. If you are or want to become a physician, health care professional, social worker, and/or a professional prepared to best handle the needs of Spanish-speaking patients, this program is perfect for you.  

Possessing knowledge surrounding Latin American and Latinx culture enables students to better interact with and support non-English speakers, particularly including immigrants and those of Latin American heritage.  During the program, you’ll learn more about how medical care improves from a holistic understanding of the patient, and how YOU can be an integral part of such care. 



A key goal of The Latinx Patient: Spanish and Culture for Healthcare program is to provide students with the knowledge and preliminary resources to best serve patients or clients who are part of the growing Spanish-speaking population in the United States. While the annual growth of the Hispanic population in the US has slowed since 2015, “Latinos remain an important part of the nation’s overall demographic story”, making up about 18% of the total U.S. population, according to PEW research

The knowledge you learn during this course will help you best serve, and work with, this diverse and growing population. From triage vocabulary to practice restating symptoms to ensure clarity of communication, to learning about common illnesses among hispanic patients, you will expand your knowledge in a breadth of directions. 



In a publication by UMASS Medical school about cross-cultural initiatives, it states that “in many situations, it is not just a language barrier that needs to be breached. Different cultures have different expectations and requirements when it comes to health care,” according to Migration Policy. Health care providers that have background knowledge of different cultures and customs, in addition to Spanish fluency, will best be able to cross common barriers between patient and provider. 

Imperative to the administration of high quality health care is accurate communication and the creation of trust between healthcare professionals and patients. Patients need to feel understood and that their values and identity are valued. Spanish speaking patients may struggle getting their needs, pain, and overall message across to those caring for them, resulting in potentially dangerous miscommunications. 


Immigrants, including undocumented immigrants and refugees, live unique realities which result in specific challenges. Some immigrants may not know the extent of their rights or how the U.S. healthcare system functions. 

Healthcare professionals need to be aware of these specific needs and challenges in order to best care for these populations. Some key knowledge of Latin American culture and medicine can play an important role in understanding and caring for patients with such backgrounds. 

Medical practitioners and professionals working in healthcare-related fields must enable their patients to understand all aspects of their care, treatment, etc., so that they can make well informed decisions regarding their health care. Professionals interacting with hispanic populations in health-related circumstances also face language and cultural barriers that can be obstacles which prevent people from being able to make informed decisions for themselves. 


Within UMASS Medical School’s same publication, they argue that “in our diverse world, ensuring that people with limited English competency or specific cultural requirements have access to quality health care is an obligation for all health care providers,” according to Migration Policy. The EdOdyssey Medical Spanish course will help you help the healthcare field move toward providing quality health care for all. 

Feeling understood by a doctor or other healthcare provider who speaks Spanish and has relevant knowledge of Latin American culture, will likely result in the patient or client feeling comfortable and trusting doctors and professionals to do their job. 


This program will enable students to learn from and with other excited students, as well as native Spanish speakers with experience in the medical field. Luis Garcia, a LSA Qualified Medical Interpreter, and EdOdyssey’s study abroad cultural advisor in Lima, Peru, will guide students through the cultural module of the program. 

Combined with language learning through El Sol Spanish Language School, based in Lima, Peru, the cultural course will help students gain a broader cultural understanding of how one’s culture, background, beliefs, and language affect the healthcare that they receive or need. 

Upon completion of the course, we hope that students feel inspired to continue serving others, particularly those who may face great challenges due to a lack of English-proficiency. More generally, this course aims to inspire students to work toward bettering themselves and the healthcare field through Spanish language acquisition and cultural competency. 

Want to learn more about this program?

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How to Define the Study Abroad "Immersion" Experience

Immersion during study abroad involves a deep involvement and understanding of the culture of a different country. It is not just an overview or a checklist of that country’s features, but a thorough encounter into the sublayers of social, political, ideological, and economic factors that define it as a culture.

Immersion during study abroad involves a deep involvement and understanding of the culture of a different country. It is not just an overview or a checklist of that country’s features, but a thorough encounter into the sublayers of social, political, ideological, and economic factors that define it as a culture. 

If you are involved in the education field as an administrator, teacher or faculty member, your role in a study abroad program comes from preparing and supporting your students in making the most of their experiences within another culture. For students and travelers, your job starts with embracing the challenges that another country presents and finding the best ways to connect with this new culture.

Our team supports educators from across the academic spectrum, from middle schools to higher education, in creating programs that immerse students in another culture. You’ll learn more about how educators collaborate with us to build programs that authentically educate and inspire students through valuable experiences.

Our students organized over 1,000 pounds of food in Córdoba during their immersion in Spain!

Our students organized over 1,000 pounds of food in Córdoba during their immersion in Spain!

Defining Your Immersion

Immersion is an experience that allows you to go deeper into layers of culture and what it really means to live in another society, despite any stereotypes you may have heard. An immersion experience helps students build a sense of appreciation for all the things that make us different: language, history, race, cultural background and cultural expressions, assets and challenges. As students understand challenges and differences in this new culture, they’ll approach the unknown, but all of our teachers will have a team of experts supporting the program as your group faces culture shock so the group can go into the experience with an open mind and heart.

Certain aspects of daily life cannot be captured in pre-packaged programs that don’t differentiate for learning objectives. That is why EdOdyssey focuses on experiences that are specific to what teachers and educators want their students to learn and value from their visits.

We plan accordingly. If a class’ focus is on improving students’ language proficiency, then every moment becomes an opportunity to teach language. For example, if the group of students has been waiting in line for our scheduled Welcome Lunch, our Cultural Advisor takes this time as a teachable moment. He takes opportunity to educate your students on common phrases used by waiters to tell you that your table is about to be ready. Then we help you and your students find out that the meaning of ahorita, or “right away”, is actually a time construct that can mean either right now or in half an hour, depending on the context.

In all of our countries around the world, our team of educators embrace the quiet moments as teachable moments, time for reflection, and an opportunity for teachers and educators to bond with their students. 

If the focus of the program is more a cultural-type immersion, that restaurant visit becomes a visit to el mercado, or a farmer’s market of sorts, is a more permanent sight in countries like Peru. We take that opportunity to educate your students about the struggles of daily life in certain areas of countries, making ends and how a place like el mercado is a place where the less fortunate can have a high-value meal for a fraction of the price of a restaurant, and where bargaining is not disrespectful but a way to get the most out of whatever budget you have for that day.

Immersion helps students understand culture and cherish it, and our mission comes from wanting to support educators and providing the best possible experience for the students.

The Immersion Experience & The Role of Educators

As an educator, your goal goes beyond taking your students on vacation and expanding their perspective. A vacation by definition is an extended period of leisure and recreation. Vacationers keep away from the daily stresses found back home. However, from our over five years working with educators, the goal of an immersion experience comes from becoming part of the cultural community of the country and embracing the challenges that come with us.

Furthermore, when teachers collaborate with us, the teachers can focus on bonding with their students and all of us as educators can support students to build context around the culture and support them through culture shock.

Our study abroad students in Lima visited one of our local partners!

Our study abroad students in Lima visited one of our local partners!

For short term programs, it is understandable that you may be eager to have your class visit and have a look at the most popular or important places the other country has to offer to you, but remember that teachers and your group are not tourists. The students will approach these sights with the aim of becoming familiar with not only their history, but how that history defines their culture today and how their society behaves in relation to that history.

A short experience does not mean it can’t be a deeply enriching experience.

Managing Your Expectations

In another country, some services or situations may not always work or happen as you expect. Certain places might require cash and credit cards may not exist or be widely used in certain areas. 

Conveniences that we have taken for granted at home may not be available and we need to adjust when abroad. Before students go abroad, we share important notes and packing tips that will support them. That way, students will start to appreciate the nuances and particularities of their new home country, and by the end of their time abroad, they will tell stories of how they are now ready to take on challenges that life presents them.

Your Perspective Matters

Even if the program is short, teachers and students can still make the most of their stay by simply maintaining focus. It is not a vacation, it’s an immersion. As such, if the allotted time for your group is short then our team will aim for your group to gain the most authentic experience possible in that time. Your group will get a taste of what living there really is like, and everyone involved will be amazed at how much can be learned from a country in just a few days with an educational approach.

The right approach can turn challenges into opportunities, and that is the change of mindset we want our students and teachers to enjoy when they’re abroad. That is a positive change, a change of feeling empowered rather than hopeless. A feeling they will carry with them for the rest of their lives because they may be on the other side of the world, but they will be just fine.

Are you interested in taking the first step and building a truly meaningful immersion experience abroad?

It’s never too early or too late to start planning or to improve a past program! Please shoot us a message here and tell us about your idea for prospective program abroad!

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