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Travel Changes People

Has travel changed you? Do you have a few minutes to post a photo from your travels on social media?

You could win a $100 gift card and EdOdyssey travel swag bag, full of all the essentials for your next adventure! Keep reading to find out how to enter the contest happening over the next two weeks.

Our motto, “Travel Changes People, People Change the World”, comes from a shared experience that means more than a plane ticket or scratch off of a map; they’re connections to people and places that stick with us for a lifetime.  As EdOdyssey alumni, teachers, educational leaders or passionate travelers, we have been fortunate enough to share meaningful travel experiences together! We’ve all come to understand that travel impacts us in all sorts of ways.

Travel changes us. Exploring a new country, jumping into an adventure, and opening your mind to unfamiliar cultures define our perspective as we grow and evolve. Better yet, travel teaches us about ourselves, in many different ways that we can’t anticipate. 

Everyone has a story about their time abroad - What’s yours?  

During these next two weeks, we want to hear your story and how travel has impacted you and your life by using the hashtag #TravelChangesPeople on Instagram and/or Twitter.

Inspire others by participating in our summer campaign! Check out the details below!

There’s TWO ways you can participate:

1. Share a meaningful travel picture, or travel video, on your personal social media account (on Instagram and/or Twitter) with the hashtag #TravelChangesPeople and respond to one of the three questions in your caption: 

  • How has travel impacted your life and future goals? 

  • What was your biggest takeaway during your time abroad?

  • How has travel changed your outlook on other cultures?

2. Email us at amanda@edodyssey.com and submit a meaningful travel picture or travel video along with your caption responding to one question above.

Please note that your social media account must be set to public in order for your post to appear on the corresponding hashtag page. If your account is set to private, please email your submission to amanda@edodyssey.com.

Check out our video illustrating what a video submission should include:

If you submit a photo or video, we will consider sharing it on our social media platforms! 

Students may be eligible to win an EdOdyssey travel swag and a $100 gift card for participating by following our social media handle (@edodyssey) and submitting content for the #TravelChangesPeople campaign! Please submit content by August 31, 2019 at 11:59 PM EST to be entered into the contest! We would love to hear from you!

If you aren’t already, follow us on social media (@edodyssey) to stay up to date with featured posts from program alumni and educational leaders! 

See this social icon list in the original post