Travel Prep and Planning Now: Benefits For Students and Teachers

At EdOdyssey, we believe that travel changes people, and people change the world. Visiting a foreign country invites people to pursue new experiences and adopt different viewpoints of the world. Like students, travelers are always learning new things and pondering how their new knowledge fits into their lives.

At EdOdyssey, we believe that travel changes people, and people change the world. We know that students experience travel differently at different points in their lives, and educators and school communities play a pivotal role in showing their students the meaning of these experiences.

Visiting a foreign country invites people to pursue new experiences and adopt different viewpoints of the world. Like students, travelers are always learning new things and pondering how their new knowledge fits into their lives.


Travel plays a pivotal role in any student’s experience. School trips add a more adventurous and interactive side to course material. As students grow older and prepare for life after graduating from high school, it is important to provide them with formative experiences that leave a lasting impact afterward and further promote their personal growth.

As avid travelers and educators ourselves, we believe that traveling to a different country can provide students with exactly these experiences, and we believe that you - teachers, parents and communities - can make them happen.

Beginners in student travel, or global student travel experts, have an opportunity to plan to expand classes into a global setting. Now is the perfect time to learn how to develop or be a part of the moment to enhance your school’s experiential learning programs abroad, and you’ll see the long term benefits of preparing and planning for student travel.


What do you imagine when you see the phrase “Youth Travel?” A group of twenty-somethings backpacking in foreign countries? College students studying abroad for a semester or two?

While a lot of people travel in their late teens and early twenties, youth travel begins before then in high school.


Young people start traveling before they head off to college and become young professionals. According to the World Youth Student and Educational Travel Confederation (WYSETC), young people make up 23% of international airports around the world!  This survey includes people as young as 15; high school students are among the millions of young people traveling abroad.

High school students also made up a majority of the young people surveyed about their interest in international experience earlier this year. According to data from Statista, over 10,000 of the 18,000 total participants stated that they wanted to experience travel abroad! From the same survey, 8,000 students also said that they were very interested in a study abroad or international exchange program.

Even during a time of travel restrictions, it is important to keep a global perspective and continue planning for international trips for the future. After thousands of students were sent home earlier this year, Ahmad Ezzeddine, the Associate Vice President of Educational Outreach and International Programs of the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs (NAFSA: Association of International Educators) said about the worldwide nature of the current situation:

“It’s a perfect example of how everything we’re dealing with has a global nature. It’s why we need to continue to invest in study abroad and the international experience.”


The excitement of adventure does not end after the trip is over - students bring home new experiences and memories that will last a lifetime! The impact that travel has on them during the trip stays with them and can benefit their success in high school and beyond. 

Exploring a different part of the world challenges students to approach topics from new perspectives.

Travel also grants students an opportunity to develop their own viewpoints. Their experiences in a different country are perfect to make their college applications stand out! Each student interprets travel experiences differently, and their unique stories can distinguish them from other applicants and wow the college admissions officers!


Bringing students abroad in high school inspires them to keep traveling and learning on their own beyond the educational setting! A 2016 survey focusing on youth travel states “28 percent of students who travel take more than one trip per year and those traveling between ages 10 and 18 are more likely to return to the destination later in life.” (Peltier and O'Brien 5 Charts Showing Student Traveler Preferences in the U.S. and Abroad)


Just because travel is on hold doesn’t mean that planning has to be. This is the perfect time to plan a trip abroad. This fall, EdOdyssey is hosting its first-ever Global Student Program Certificate for Educators course. Teachers, administrators, and faculty will have a chance to learn skills to develop, market, and enrich school trips abroad.

You’ll have the chance to take any of your benchmarks, your learning objectives, and your content area’s curriculum to infuse them into the design of your program for almost any theme and content area(s). As educators ourselves, we’ll show you how we build a trip that also functions as an academic program that prioritizes student learning while still creating a fun, enriching program.


Pick and choose from different modules, and get certified after completing the entire program. With the right travel planning and management skills tailored for you, you will be able to make international trips a reality for you and your students.

As Matthew Wolfe, an EdOdyssey featured traveler, wrote about his experience abroad, Being able to see the world from a completely different perspective in another country is an opportunity that you simply should never pass up.”

To explore more about the benefits of travel prep and planning now, learn more about The Four Major Benefits Of Customizable Programs!

Ready to start planning?


Duffin, Erin. “Interest among Students about International Experiences by Type U.S. 2020.” 

Statista, 13 July 2020,

Peltier, Dan, and James O'Brien. “5 Charts Showing Student Traveler Preferences in the U.S. 

and Abroad.” Skift, 15 July 2016,

Rifai, Taleb. “Facts and Stats.” WYSE Travel Confederation, 2020,

Toner, Mark, et al. “Internationalization, Interrupted.” NAFSA, 1 Apr. 2020,

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How to Define the Study Abroad "Immersion" Experience

Immersion during study abroad involves a deep involvement and understanding of the culture of a different country. It is not just an overview or a checklist of that country’s features, but a thorough encounter into the sublayers of social, political, ideological, and economic factors that define it as a culture.

Immersion during study abroad involves a deep involvement and understanding of the culture of a different country. It is not just an overview or a checklist of that country’s features, but a thorough encounter into the sublayers of social, political, ideological, and economic factors that define it as a culture. 

If you are involved in the education field as an administrator, teacher or faculty member, your role in a study abroad program comes from preparing and supporting your students in making the most of their experiences within another culture. For students and travelers, your job starts with embracing the challenges that another country presents and finding the best ways to connect with this new culture.

Our team supports educators from across the academic spectrum, from middle schools to higher education, in creating programs that immerse students in another culture. You’ll learn more about how educators collaborate with us to build programs that authentically educate and inspire students through valuable experiences.

Our students organized over 1,000 pounds of food in Córdoba during their immersion in Spain!

Our students organized over 1,000 pounds of food in Córdoba during their immersion in Spain!

Defining Your Immersion

Immersion is an experience that allows you to go deeper into layers of culture and what it really means to live in another society, despite any stereotypes you may have heard. An immersion experience helps students build a sense of appreciation for all the things that make us different: language, history, race, cultural background and cultural expressions, assets and challenges. As students understand challenges and differences in this new culture, they’ll approach the unknown, but all of our teachers will have a team of experts supporting the program as your group faces culture shock so the group can go into the experience with an open mind and heart.

Certain aspects of daily life cannot be captured in pre-packaged programs that don’t differentiate for learning objectives. That is why EdOdyssey focuses on experiences that are specific to what teachers and educators want their students to learn and value from their visits.

We plan accordingly. If a class’ focus is on improving students’ language proficiency, then every moment becomes an opportunity to teach language. For example, if the group of students has been waiting in line for our scheduled Welcome Lunch, our Cultural Advisor takes this time as a teachable moment. He takes opportunity to educate your students on common phrases used by waiters to tell you that your table is about to be ready. Then we help you and your students find out that the meaning of ahorita, or “right away”, is actually a time construct that can mean either right now or in half an hour, depending on the context.

In all of our countries around the world, our team of educators embrace the quiet moments as teachable moments, time for reflection, and an opportunity for teachers and educators to bond with their students. 

If the focus of the program is more a cultural-type immersion, that restaurant visit becomes a visit to el mercado, or a farmer’s market of sorts, is a more permanent sight in countries like Peru. We take that opportunity to educate your students about the struggles of daily life in certain areas of countries, making ends and how a place like el mercado is a place where the less fortunate can have a high-value meal for a fraction of the price of a restaurant, and where bargaining is not disrespectful but a way to get the most out of whatever budget you have for that day.

Immersion helps students understand culture and cherish it, and our mission comes from wanting to support educators and providing the best possible experience for the students.

The Immersion Experience & The Role of Educators

As an educator, your goal goes beyond taking your students on vacation and expanding their perspective. A vacation by definition is an extended period of leisure and recreation. Vacationers keep away from the daily stresses found back home. However, from our over five years working with educators, the goal of an immersion experience comes from becoming part of the cultural community of the country and embracing the challenges that come with us.

Furthermore, when teachers collaborate with us, the teachers can focus on bonding with their students and all of us as educators can support students to build context around the culture and support them through culture shock.

Our study abroad students in Lima visited one of our local partners!

Our study abroad students in Lima visited one of our local partners!

For short term programs, it is understandable that you may be eager to have your class visit and have a look at the most popular or important places the other country has to offer to you, but remember that teachers and your group are not tourists. The students will approach these sights with the aim of becoming familiar with not only their history, but how that history defines their culture today and how their society behaves in relation to that history.

A short experience does not mean it can’t be a deeply enriching experience.

Managing Your Expectations

In another country, some services or situations may not always work or happen as you expect. Certain places might require cash and credit cards may not exist or be widely used in certain areas. 

Conveniences that we have taken for granted at home may not be available and we need to adjust when abroad. Before students go abroad, we share important notes and packing tips that will support them. That way, students will start to appreciate the nuances and particularities of their new home country, and by the end of their time abroad, they will tell stories of how they are now ready to take on challenges that life presents them.

Your Perspective Matters

Even if the program is short, teachers and students can still make the most of their stay by simply maintaining focus. It is not a vacation, it’s an immersion. As such, if the allotted time for your group is short then our team will aim for your group to gain the most authentic experience possible in that time. Your group will get a taste of what living there really is like, and everyone involved will be amazed at how much can be learned from a country in just a few days with an educational approach.

The right approach can turn challenges into opportunities, and that is the change of mindset we want our students and teachers to enjoy when they’re abroad. That is a positive change, a change of feeling empowered rather than hopeless. A feeling they will carry with them for the rest of their lives because they may be on the other side of the world, but they will be just fine.

Are you interested in taking the first step and building a truly meaningful immersion experience abroad?

It’s never too early or too late to start planning or to improve a past program! Please shoot us a message here and tell us about your idea for prospective program abroad!

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Why Your International Friendships Will Last A Lifetime

As you look to study abroad, you might think that making friendships abroad might seem like a daunting task given your destination, but the long-term effects are worthwhile! Developing lifelong connections with other international students and your local peers will provide you with a deeper understanding of other cultures, after interacting effectively with people from cultures besides their own. If you’re coming back from being abroad, you’re probably thinking about how your new friends from abroad will play into the rest of your life.

As you look to study abroad, you might think that making friendships abroad might seem like a daunting task given your destination, but the long-term effects are worthwhile! Developing lifelong connections with other international students and your local peers will provide you with a deeper understanding of other cultures, after interacting effectively with people from cultures besides their own. If you’re coming back from being abroad, you’re probably thinking about how your new friends from abroad will play into the rest of your life.


In 2015, a research study measured 571 adolescents from Germany regarding their interpretation to intercultural competence and characteristics that matter most in various friendships. Intercultural friendships are defined as, “a friendship in which the friend is perceived to have different cultural affiliations than oneself” (Schwarzenthal et al., 63).


Researchers within the intercultural psychology community examined the aspects of intercultural situations that influence adolescents toward cultures beside their own. Essentially, studying abroad presents students with windows of opportunities to expand their views of the world and reflect on the impact of acclimating to an unfamiliar culture.  

In today’s blog, we’re going to examine the specific ways that connections abroad can last a lifetime!    

The Wellness Perspective 

Why should you, as a student, care about your wellness when it comes to relationships with your peers abroad? 

Students should consider the connection between their wellness and relationships while they’re abroad because it will drive your experience abroad and once you come home. Researchers from The Research Center for Internet Psychology and School of Psychology in Canada explored the dimensions of friendships and determined how the wide-spread usage of technology affects the features of friendship.


This study, in particular, validated why friendships enriches one’s personal life, primarily because “friendship is essential for wellbeing” (Amichai-Hamburger et. al 38). In this context, wellbeing regarding friendships, refers to the concept that human beings receive companionship through meaningful interactions with one another, from rewarding and mutually positive social situations. 

Moreover, the implications of friendship directly relate to one’s emotional and psychological being. According to a research study conducted in 2012 regarding the variations in offline and online friendships and the impact it has on one’s mental health, an important benefit of friendship is, “[the] ability to provide various forms of support, social and material, at times of stress” (Amichai-Hamburger et. al 36).


One could even argue that a critical component of survival includes maintaining friendships, due to fulfilling relationships playing a major role in physical and emotional well-being. It’s important to also acknowledge the improvement in one’s happiness, as a result of a close bond or friendship. To summarize, the contribution that human connections have are significant, everywhere in the world! 

Developing Friendships During Programs 


The variety of friendships abroad get planted and nurtured from your first days and weeks that eventually blossom and form into different, life-long connections. For instance, homestay families create an initial bond with peers and adults within a home in a host country that later extend outside of your home, and EdOdyssey supports you along the way. 

EdOdyssey’s own custom designed programs and study abroad terms afford students the advantage of staying in homestays, meeting local students, and feeling connected to the culture. One of our high school students did a homestay in southern Spain, and he mentioned that he liked engineering and trains. We matched him with a family, and his homestay father worked for the Spanish train company and took him to the local train station and told him about his work. When there is potential for connections, we seek to bring that connection together because it acts as encouragement later on to stay in contact with one another upon return home! 


A degree of comfortability and closeness directly results from insightful conversations with host families. Not only do they act a great resource for local culture and language skills, but being in daily proximity with one another grants a whole new level of appreciation one might not have had if they stayed in a dorm or hotel. Living with host families makes experiences abroad all the more rewarding, and prompts many students to continue keeping in touch for years to come. 

Keeping Connections Alive during Study Abroad   

Why is it important to maintain bonds abroad? 

A vital aspect of being abroad involves maintaining bonds with friends, whether someone currently studies abroad or has already returned home. Students can sometimes focus too much on the fear of missing out (FOMO) when they can’t spend time with their friends from home. Instead, it’s wise to be aware of the many possibilities to bond with local and international students within the host university and country. 


These particular interactions show evidence that these initial connections have potential to evolve into lifelong friendships! The German study determined that, “active engagement with diverse cultural perspectives can promote intercultural learning” (Schwarzenthal et al., 70-71). This outcome supports the idea that intercultural socialization in friendships does offer opportunities to exchange cultural perspectives and valuable learning experiences (Schwarzenthal et al., 72).


Overseas programs, homestays, and service learning opportunities allow for personal growth. Intercultural friendships and interactions not only assist students by increasing intercultural skills, but also open up conversations with diverse perspectives (Schwarzenthal et al., 63). Overall, developing connections abroad generates a greater variation in values, beliefs, and worldviews, compared to friendships from the same culture. 

Upon returning home from studying abroad, a realistic piece of advice accommodates both parties by not forcing overseas friends to stay in immediate and direct contact every single day. Releasing pressure from one another will alleviate frustration when dealing with time zones and schedules, and allows ample room to cherish and appreciate the physical time spent together abroad. 


Technology has added immense value to today’s society, and the ability to connect with friends around the globe has created an incredibly convenient for study abroad students to develop and maintain friendships. With either scenario, whether it’s connecting with friends from home while abroad or vice versa, “electronic communication allows two people to interact without being present at the same time” and supports the idea that, “friends provide invaluable social stressful times,” no matter the mode of the interaction (Amichai-Hamburger et. al 33). 


Though the ways in which friendships develop typically progress through close proximity and the amount of effort put into the relationship, “once this closeness is established it can be equally fulfilling,” irrespective of being online or in person (Amichai-Hamburger et. al 35).

When you create close bonds that can be sustained throughout life transitions, you truly make the most of the time abroad. These lifelong connections are irreplaceable and valuable because they remind you of your own power to overcome obstacles and challenges in a new place!

Developing bonds with others while overseas does not have to take months, sometimes the most spontaneous interactions become the most profound. No matter the amount of time you’ve been abroad, it’s important to give thought to past experiences.

Check out “Six Key Questions to Reflect on Your Experience Abroad” if you’ve already gone abroad and are thinking of going again, or if you want to get a sense of what study abroad might look like after you come home!

Si usted está interesado en leer o compartir este blog en español, por favor continue a "Por Qué Tus Amistades Internacionales Durarán Toda La Vida" que fue traducido por nuestros amigos de Travolución.

If you're interested in reading or sharing this blog in Spanish, please enjoy the translated version of this blog "Por Qué Tus Amistades Internacionales Durarán Toda La Vida" that was translated by our friends at Travolución.



Amichai-Hamburger, Yair, Mila Kingsbury, and Barry H. Schneider. “Friendship: An old concept with a new meaning?” Computers in Science Behavior, vol. 29, 2012, pp. 33-39. 

Schwarzenthal, Miriam, Linda Juang, Maja K. Schachner, and Fons J.R. van de Vijver. “‘When birds of a different feather flock together’ - intercultural socialization in adolescents’ friendships”. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, vol. 72, 2015, pp. 61-75. 

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travel, custom programs, food Amanda Lowrey travel, custom programs, food Amanda Lowrey

Montreal's Uniqueness: A City Full of Food, Art and Accessibility

This city has its own personality that’s one-of-a-kind! Boasting with plenty of festivals, art, cuisine, and innovation, Montreal also has a sense of comradery and welcomingness! In the past, students and teachers have visited the iconic Notre-Dame Basilica and enjoyed learning how to prepare traditional Quebec cuisine with a local chef!

This staple city in Canada’s Quebec province has its own personality that’s one-of-a-kind! Boasting with plenty of festivals, art, cuisine, and innovation, Montreal also has a sense of comradery and welcomingness! American author and travel enthusiast Mark Twain once called it “the city of a hundred steeples” due to the high number of churches, and that’s just a snapshot of why this city is so special!


Fun Fact: Did you know that Montreal is an island? It’s actually five times larger than Manhattan!

Read on to find out more about Montreal’s food culture, art scene and accessibility!

Accessibility in Montreal

Montreal features one of the largest underground networks in the world! It has a series of tunnels and structures which can offer shortcuts and safety from the harsh cold during winter months.

The Underground City is over twenty miles with links to shops, metro stations, restaurants, and museums (Tousignant)! Known as La Ville Souterraine, the underground network was first built in the 1960s and has since expanded into tunnels, corridors, and plazas (Galipeau). 

Montreal boosts the reputation of enjoying one of the most bike friendly cities in North America, according to the Copenhagenize Index (Fadden)! There are hundreds of miles of cycle lanes that connect together throughout the city. Visitors and locals hop on bikes all year long to see the city sights and ride through different neighborhoods. 


Montreal’s Art Culture 


Montreal has a huge art and graffiti scene that celebrates all types of art and encourages various cultures to embrace themselves. Montreal exudes an open and welcoming atmosphere, given its powerful identity.

In 2006, Montreal was actually named a UNESCO City for its architecture and artistic design (Design Montréal). The city’s commitment to walkability, especially demonstrated by the neighborhoods’ designs which show this in particular, embodies their initiatives to increase happiness for the people in Montreal. 

Photo of Mile End, by Alan Rouiller, Flickr

Photo of Mile End, by Alan Rouiller, Flickr

Montreal’s creative neighborhood, known as Mile End, features artists, musicians, writers, and houses bookstores, entertainment venues, vintage shops, and even a one-hundred-year-old bagel shop (Yogerst). Another distinctive area, referred to as Quartier de Spectacles, has promoted Montreal’s initiative to boost morale and culture for the past two decades (Yogerst).

The prominent district ignites cultural exploration through many forms of art due to its close proximity to the Place des Arts complex, Central Library, Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Montreal Opera and Symphony Orchestra. In past years, this district has even displayed musical swing sets for locals to play for free! 

Place des Arts, Photo by Guilhem Vellut, Flickr

Place des Arts, Photo by Guilhem Vellut, Flickr

delicious food in the City of Saints

There’s more to Montreal than the cherished and widely popular dish known as poutine!  Although the city receives well-deserved praise for its delicious dish, Montreal continues to revolutionize the culinary scene! This city is known for being incredibly innovative and creative with incorporating modern twists to traditional favorites.

The cuisine found in Montreal truly captures the diverse population, with over 120 cultures influencing the city’s gastronomy (Roberts). All communities, including Greek, Italian, Eastern, African, Asian, and Jewish, have shaped the dining scenes in various ways (Roberts). Traditional Quebecois dishes are worth trying, but so is the ever growing and diverse international cuisine!

In the past, students and teachers have visited the iconic Notre-Dame Basilica in the heart of the Old Montreal are in the city. They’ve enjoyed learning how to prepare traditional Quebec cuisine with a local chef, and there’s

Hungry for more? Check out our past blog, “Culture and Cuisine: Savoring Canada’s Legendary Dishes”, for a look into dishes worth trying on your next adventure to Canada! 


Fadden, Robyn. “Guide to All Things Biking in Montréal.” Tourisme Montréal, 29 Jan. 2020,

Galipeau, Tobia. “Underground City Montreal: 16+ Amazing Attractions for 2020: Local Tips.” Local Food Tours - Beer and Food Tours, 16 Jan. 2020,

“Montréal UNESCO City of Design.” Design Montréal, 19 Dec. 2019,

Roberts, Simon. “Beyond Poutine: Exploring Montreal's Growing Cuisine.” National Geographic, 29 Sept. 2017,

Tousignant, Isa. “Your Guide to the Underground City.” Tourisme Montréal, 29 Jan. 2020,

Yogerst, Joe. “12 Of Montreal's Best Neighborhoods.” CNN, Cable News Network, 16 Mar. 2017,

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travel, custom programs Amanda Lowrey travel, custom programs Amanda Lowrey

What Makes Berlin Different

Berlin is known for its inspiring street art and delectable foodie scene. As a city with tremendous historical turbulence, its history and art alone, is worth learning about in person. A visit to Berlin is bound to be an incredible experience, filled with gorgeous sights and intriguing architecture, it’s likely you’ll be captivated by its charming ambiance and culture.

Pictured: Brandenburg Gate

Pictured: Brandenburg Gate

Berlin is known for its inspiring street art and delectable foodie scene. As a city with tremendous historical turbulence, its history and art alone, is worth learning about in person. A visit to Berlin is bound to be an incredible experience, filled with gorgeous sights and intriguing architecture, it’s likely you’ll be captivated by its charming ambiance and culture.

What about Berlin, specifically, makes this city so unique? Together, we will explore a few aspects of Berlin which make it a bucket list destination. 

Berlin Teaches Visitors History 

Has Berlin moved on from World War II, the Cold War, and atrocities from the Holocaust? Even the most devastating parts of Berlin’s past are still a part of their present. 

Pictured: Topography of Terror - Dennis Jarvis, Flickr

Pictured: Topography of Terror
- Dennis Jarvis, Flickr

To expand, museums pertaining to WWII, including the Holocaust Museum, East Side Gallery, and Topography of Terror, are free for visitors. This is another example of Berlin opening up the discussion, admitting to their faults in the past, and opening the door for visitors to understand for themselves. Even Hitler’s bunker where he committed suicide, which can be considered a pivotal moment in history, is now a parking lot, because they do not allow for pilgrimage or homage to the Nazi regime. 

Additionally, the division of East and West is still clear and you can find traces of its communist past by visiting exhibits, such as the DDR museum. The buildings, alleyways, everything - has a different feel in the East and West. 

The Museum Island is another interesting area to walk through, close to Alexanderplatz and the TV Tower. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that consists of five museums devoted to archaeology and works of art. Take a look into the Berliner Dom and climb 270 steps to it’s observation deck to view Berlin's historic city centre. 

Pictured: Reichstag

Pictured: Reichstag

After spending some time, walk a few minutes to the Brandenburg Gate, an iconic monument that is now a national symbol of unity. Less than a ten minute walk away is the Reichstag, which is currently home to Parliament. This historical building features a glass dome, built to symbolize the reunification of Germany.

Berlin: Home to Meaningful Memorials

Pictured: Checkpoint Charlie

Pictured: Checkpoint Charlie

Due to its recent and relevant history, Berlin’s memorials and monuments really make visitors feel their darkest days. It’s one thing to read about something in a history book in school, but to feel the Berlin Wall with your own hands, walk by former Nazi buildings, and hear firsthand about the stories at Checkpoint Charlie, is something real and worth visiting.  

Europe is known for its incredible landmarks and monuments, but the memorials alone in Berlin are quite remarkable, and at times even abstract. The many feelings evoked just by viewing these are due to the purposeful nature of the city. For instance, the Book Burning Memorial (the “Sunken Library”) located in Bebelplatz, is an underground memorial with hundreds of empty bookshelves below its surface, to commemorate the book-burning in May of 1933. 

Take a stroll or hop off at the Ostbahnhof station to view the colorful murals on the East Side Gallery, which can be seen as a symbol of joy at overcoming the division of Germany. The Berlin wall itself is mostly gone, but you can find its remains around the city. The route of the Berlin Wall is marked along some streets with a double row of cobblestones.

A more somber area to visit is the Memorial for Murdered Jews of Europe, a memorial you can walk through and determine your own meaning behind its overwhelming and massive build. 

The Diversity Behind Berlin’s Evolution  

Berlin is very much a melting pot. The city expresses art and creativity in numerous ways, and even on the coldest days, there is a sense of warmth and liveliness that makes visitors feel welcomed. Berlin has a nonconformist atmosphere that is really something to experience. The edginess and creativity that emits from locals really moves within the city.

Though Berlin is considered to be non-conformist city, people still follow and respect rules, such as waiting to cross the street, even in the middle of the night. Interestingly enough, the train doors at station stops will even open early before the train is completely stopped


During your visit, you may notice a little green man on traffic lights around East Berlin. The Ampelman’s main purpose is guiding walkers to safety across intersections, not only in East Berlin, but also for West Berliners now too. Another intriguing element of Berlin that would be incredibly hard to miss is the TV Tower! You can spot this from almost any point in the city centre at 368 meters high.  


Traveling around Berlin is easy-going and the city really embraces visitors. Besides the extremely convenient public transportation, the ease and diversity in finding great cuisine is another plus! Compared to other large cities, meals and transportation are both affordable. The Kreuzberg neighborhood offers some of the best diversity in cuisine in Berlin.


Street food is plentiful and easy to grab on your way to another attraction. Don’t forget to try currywurst! This delicious snack, consisting of sausage, tomato sauce and curry powder, is Berlin’s pride and joy. For more information about this German invention, feel free to visit the Currywurst Museum in Berlin, around the corner Checkpoint Charlie. 

Locals say that Berlin is a city that is constantly evolving, where the Berlin you may visit now is not the same Berlin you’ll visit later on. Even so with its bustling city life, Berlin is still very much a relaxed place. There are plenty of opportunities to relax with a coffee or enjoy a stroll next to the River Spree. 

Pictured: River Spree (Berliner Dom on the right)

Pictured: River Spree (Berliner Dom on the right)

Berlin is the perfect city break in Europe and it’s no surprise that many travelers consider it to be one of their favorites! With its vibrancy and historical relevance, every single corner in this city has a story worth understanding. 

A visit to Berlin, and surrounding areas, has potential for life-changing experiences for school communities. Teachers enjoy working with our organization because experiential learning abroad takes a team of teachers and international educators to extend the classroom into meaningful, culturally enriching activities!

Do you want a better idea of how teachers and schools infuse our organization's resources and tools into their academics? Please check out the detailed description of this unique, fully customized German immersion program from the perspective of one of our trusted partners!

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Four Advantages When Traveling in a Group

Group travel offers the perfect opportunity to embark on an exciting adventure abroad, with people you know or friends who you haven’t met yet! Traveling in groups can be extremely rewarding and there are plenty of advantages, including cost-effectiveness and accessibility!

Group travel offers the perfect opportunity to embark on an exciting adventure abroad, with people you know or friends who you haven’t met yet! Traveling in groups can be extremely rewarding and there are plenty of advantages, including cost-effectiveness and accessibility!

Read on for four aspects of group travel that students and faculty can look forward to with our custom programs!

Leave Worries At Home 


For starters, you don’t have to worry about planning or extraneous costs! Planning for a group can become overwhelming, and with the help of EdOdyssey, any worries about planning or surprises will be eliminated. We work with you step by step through pre-departure to make sure that you know what to pack and handle coordinating the logistics with our local team and partners; you just have to keep an eye out for updates leading to the programs and then you go! 

A passport is the most important document you’ll need to bring for your travels, but we handle the heavy lifting. The nature of each program’s inclusions come custom but we like to include as much as possible, such as your flight reservations, hotels, transportation, and excursions. We will provide you with a detailed and easy-to-follow itinerary to help you stay on-time throughout your time abroad!

This experience is a valuable time to explore unique countries. Instead of worrying about logistics, focus on letting go and having fun soaking in the scenery! 

A Personalized Guide 

One of the more interesting aspects of EdOdyssey programs is the amount of knowledge our travel experts bring to the experience! As you travel with your group, someone will always show you the way through the city and give you facts you might not have discovered on your own. 


Your EdOdyssey educators are passionate and cultured experts who want to share their knowledge about local areas with you. You’ll receive support every step along the way, and you will have the ability to ask as many questions as you like to make the most of your experience!

During day your visits and your interactive activities, you’ll always have access  to an EdOdyssey educator or a local guide to delve deeper into relevant topics regarding culture, history, and language. 

Comfortability & Safety 

Feeling comfortable during your time abroad is important. For students, having the ability to travel with friends you already know from back home is a huge advantage! Group travel will give you a unique chance to bond closer with your peers and educators. You can share your adventures together and even get the opportunity to meet other international students during your journey! In addition, group travel also allows students to “test drive” what studying abroad would be like with our shorter programs!


EdOdyssey is committed to the safety of our groups! For custom programs, the group will always have access to an EdOdyssey educator leader available for advising and reassurance. This is a component we take very seriously and make sure that program participants feel secure during their time abroad. As a result, students and faculty will be able to see sights without worrying about visiting unfamiliar territory on their own! 

Our local teams have been trained on our health and safety procedures and protocols, and they have access to our comprehensive emergency health and emergency concierge service, in case anything unexpected were ever to happen abroad. 

Photo Op, Anyone? 


A more humorous, but convenient, advantage of group travel is the fact that you’ll always have someone who can take your photo! In a group, you will be able to share experiences with your fellow travelers and friends during travel, mealtimes, and interactive activities. Since our custom programs are catered to a class’s specific content focus, students will have no problem creating memorable experiences with their peers that they can later share with loved ones back home! 

A group of high school students had a blast sand boarding in Ica, Peru!

A group of high school students had a blast sand boarding in Ica, Peru!

At EdOdyssey, we want to make sure our partners, faculty members, students and parents feel confident in international education! 

In addition to the simplicity in planning and organization, our custom programs are a great way to get your feet wet if you’re new to travel, or if you’re looking to dive into a new culture for a shorter period of time. Pack a positive attitude and a sense of adventure, and you are bound to experience some amazing moments along the way! 

Interested in hearing from other travelers and their experiences abroad? Check out quotes from friends, educators, and fellow alumni featured in our past blog, "How Travel Changes People". 

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