How to Define the Study Abroad "Immersion" Experience

Immersion during study abroad involves a deep involvement and understanding of the culture of a different country. It is not just an overview or a checklist of that country’s features, but a thorough encounter into the sublayers of social, political, ideological, and economic factors that define it as a culture.

Immersion during study abroad involves a deep involvement and understanding of the culture of a different country. It is not just an overview or a checklist of that country’s features, but a thorough encounter into the sublayers of social, political, ideological, and economic factors that define it as a culture. 

If you are involved in the education field as an administrator, teacher or faculty member, your role in a study abroad program comes from preparing and supporting your students in making the most of their experiences within another culture. For students and travelers, your job starts with embracing the challenges that another country presents and finding the best ways to connect with this new culture.

Our team supports educators from across the academic spectrum, from middle schools to higher education, in creating programs that immerse students in another culture. You’ll learn more about how educators collaborate with us to build programs that authentically educate and inspire students through valuable experiences.

Our students organized over 1,000 pounds of food in Córdoba during their immersion in Spain!

Our students organized over 1,000 pounds of food in Córdoba during their immersion in Spain!

Defining Your Immersion

Immersion is an experience that allows you to go deeper into layers of culture and what it really means to live in another society, despite any stereotypes you may have heard. An immersion experience helps students build a sense of appreciation for all the things that make us different: language, history, race, cultural background and cultural expressions, assets and challenges. As students understand challenges and differences in this new culture, they’ll approach the unknown, but all of our teachers will have a team of experts supporting the program as your group faces culture shock so the group can go into the experience with an open mind and heart.

Certain aspects of daily life cannot be captured in pre-packaged programs that don’t differentiate for learning objectives. That is why EdOdyssey focuses on experiences that are specific to what teachers and educators want their students to learn and value from their visits.

We plan accordingly. If a class’ focus is on improving students’ language proficiency, then every moment becomes an opportunity to teach language. For example, if the group of students has been waiting in line for our scheduled Welcome Lunch, our Cultural Advisor takes this time as a teachable moment. He takes opportunity to educate your students on common phrases used by waiters to tell you that your table is about to be ready. Then we help you and your students find out that the meaning of ahorita, or “right away”, is actually a time construct that can mean either right now or in half an hour, depending on the context.

In all of our countries around the world, our team of educators embrace the quiet moments as teachable moments, time for reflection, and an opportunity for teachers and educators to bond with their students. 

If the focus of the program is more a cultural-type immersion, that restaurant visit becomes a visit to el mercado, or a farmer’s market of sorts, is a more permanent sight in countries like Peru. We take that opportunity to educate your students about the struggles of daily life in certain areas of countries, making ends and how a place like el mercado is a place where the less fortunate can have a high-value meal for a fraction of the price of a restaurant, and where bargaining is not disrespectful but a way to get the most out of whatever budget you have for that day.

Immersion helps students understand culture and cherish it, and our mission comes from wanting to support educators and providing the best possible experience for the students.

The Immersion Experience & The Role of Educators

As an educator, your goal goes beyond taking your students on vacation and expanding their perspective. A vacation by definition is an extended period of leisure and recreation. Vacationers keep away from the daily stresses found back home. However, from our over five years working with educators, the goal of an immersion experience comes from becoming part of the cultural community of the country and embracing the challenges that come with us.

Furthermore, when teachers collaborate with us, the teachers can focus on bonding with their students and all of us as educators can support students to build context around the culture and support them through culture shock.

Our study abroad students in Lima visited one of our local partners!

Our study abroad students in Lima visited one of our local partners!

For short term programs, it is understandable that you may be eager to have your class visit and have a look at the most popular or important places the other country has to offer to you, but remember that teachers and your group are not tourists. The students will approach these sights with the aim of becoming familiar with not only their history, but how that history defines their culture today and how their society behaves in relation to that history.

A short experience does not mean it can’t be a deeply enriching experience.

Managing Your Expectations

In another country, some services or situations may not always work or happen as you expect. Certain places might require cash and credit cards may not exist or be widely used in certain areas. 

Conveniences that we have taken for granted at home may not be available and we need to adjust when abroad. Before students go abroad, we share important notes and packing tips that will support them. That way, students will start to appreciate the nuances and particularities of their new home country, and by the end of their time abroad, they will tell stories of how they are now ready to take on challenges that life presents them.

Your Perspective Matters

Even if the program is short, teachers and students can still make the most of their stay by simply maintaining focus. It is not a vacation, it’s an immersion. As such, if the allotted time for your group is short then our team will aim for your group to gain the most authentic experience possible in that time. Your group will get a taste of what living there really is like, and everyone involved will be amazed at how much can be learned from a country in just a few days with an educational approach.

The right approach can turn challenges into opportunities, and that is the change of mindset we want our students and teachers to enjoy when they’re abroad. That is a positive change, a change of feeling empowered rather than hopeless. A feeling they will carry with them for the rest of their lives because they may be on the other side of the world, but they will be just fine.

Are you interested in taking the first step and building a truly meaningful immersion experience abroad?

It’s never too early or too late to start planning or to improve a past program! Please shoot us a message here and tell us about your idea for prospective program abroad!

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How to Make Your Study Abroad Experience Authentic

A study abroad experience can oftentimes be confused as a vacation abroad.  One of the most important aspects of a study abroad experience is for it to be authentic.  Authenticity can include visiting local food spots, trying new cuisine, using the public transport, and building local connections in order to have  a more culturally fulfilling experience. You will learn much more about a country by living authentically, while boosting your travel and local knowledge IQ.  

A study abroad experience can oftentimes be confused as a vacation abroad.  One of the most important aspects of a study abroad experience is for it to be authentic.  Authenticity can include visiting local food spots, trying new cuisine, using the public transport, and building local connections in order to have  a more culturally fulfilling experience. You will learn much more about a country by living authentically, while boosting your travel and local knowledge IQ.  

Would you regret not fully exploring the local scene, and going home without having a holistic view on the culture in your new city? How can you make your experience authentic without forcefully doing so while you’re abroad?

Here are a few tips to ensure an authentic experience:

Taste the Local Food

A great way to gain an authentic experience while abroad is by  eating local food in the destination of your study abroad program.  Why eat customary brands that you have back home? It’s recommended to not turn to familiar places when there’s a  plethora of authentic and delicious food options at your disposal.  

While studying abroad in a big city, such as Lima, you’ll see people flock to international restaurants and cafe chains like KFC, Chili’s, and Starbucks.  While these eateries are viewed as a popular options,even for the locals in Lima, Peru, the American chains shouldn’t be on the top of your list if you’re looking for an authentic experience. In many cases, the local dining options are comparable or cheaper. Why not save money, expand your local cuisine knowledge and gain an appreciation for local restaurant options?  You can learn a lot about local cuisine at family-run restaurants and enjoy dishes, such as ceviche or lomo saltado, whilesupporting small businesses.

Take Local Transport


Another way to live authentically during your time abroad  is through your choice of transportation. If you are given the option, you should try to take public transportation as often as you can! Not only is it a more affordable option compared to taxis or Ubers, but it gives you the chance to see different parts of a city that you may not view otherwise. Of course, if there are safety concerns, you should always use discretion in using the safest mode of transportation and be aware of your surroundings at all times.


Using public transportation was a very sensory experience for me in Lima, where riding the micro vans (an informal form of public transportation that is very affordable) was an experience completely new for me.  When I was in China, it was often faster to take public transportation like the subway or buses, in addition to much cheaper, compared to driving with a service similar to Uber. Taking public transportation taught me how to greatly familiarize myself with wherever I was abroad.     

Build Local Connections

While you are abroad, attempt to become friends with other people than solely those  your program. Instead, try to actively look beyond your program to make friends in your study abroad location.  If you are living with a host family, make an effort and take the time to form a relationship with them. Your host family can become your support system abroad, and they are always willing to talk about anything at all.  With any of your friends abroad, you should also be flexible and have an open mind to try new things with them.  


For example, while I was in China, one way that I made some new friends and tried something new was attending an “English Corner” at a local university in Chengdu, China.  An “English Corner” is an informal period of instruction in English held at schools and universities in China in order to help improve people’s English. I met some friends that night from the local university that I still keep in touch with today!  

Staying Local


Oftentimes when you are abroad, you may want to venture outside of your study abroad location and travel on weekends.  While this is an amazing opportunity, it’s best to give yourself enough time and not rush to do this every single weekend.  Instead, take some time to familiarize yourself with your study abroad location and become an expert in your area.

You should additionally give yourself time to try the local food, meet new people, and explore your surroundings.  Go on day trips and experience local events, such as concerts, that take immersion to the next level. If you surround yourself with people who want these experiences as well, you will be more likely to find them. Chances are that your study abroad location has a plethora of exciting experiences waiting for you to discover!  

Why Authenticity Matters 

Why is authenticity for your study abroad important?  Believe it or not, an experience can still feel genuine and fun at the same time.  The beauty of the diversity of study abroad is that you can learn to recognize what is “authentic” in your study abroad location over time.

In my experiences abroad, the authenticity of EdOdyssey’s programs has proven to be both educational and informative. With an authentic and truthful experience, your takeaways will be stronger, more thoughtful, and reflective.  If you are in the process of becoming an expert in your study abroad location, there is real educational value in seeing the authentic side of a country.  


Language can be an expedition in itself! Read our past blog, “Four Tips on Embracing The Language Journey” for useful advice catered to students who are avid travelers or plan on studying abroad!

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