Monthly Feature: Matt W.'s Study Abroad Experiences and How Travel Influences Your Career

Matt W. Abroad


Each month we will feature an EdOdyssey alum or a passionate traveler who embodies our values and connects their study abroad to themselves.

Today, we introduce Matt W., a native of Franklin, Massachusetts, shares his personal growth throughout his study abroad experiences and how it’s provided him guidance toward his career in law.

Our hope, as educators, is to share how growth through travel is a process. 


In high school, he always moved abroad and he hadn't gone abroad so he took advantage of as many programs as possible. He did a mission trip to El Salvador his freshman year and later participated in an exchange program in Spain as well as a short term visit to China. 

From all these study abroad trips, he realized that he wanted to be exposed to even more diversity and an even different way of life for a longer period of time. These collective experiences inspired him to study abroad for a semester so he could enjoy more of an immersive experience.


Matt knew that he wanted even more of that local feel that he had from his exchange in Spain, so he decided to study abroad in South America and he mentioned that he wanted to do a homestay. 

Matt W. Monthly Feature Abroad

Even with years of Spanish under his belt, he still felt like he was building out from his beginner Spanish, but he said that his homestay experience helped him and helped him with his conversational Spanish. 

In the classroom, his classes largely focused on his international studies major that included a notable law class that he’ll never forget. Andrea Colgada, one of his professors in Buenos Aires, led an international law course in Spanish that made him see law from another perspective.

Outside of her role as professor, Matt mentioned that he loved how she had so many her experiences outside of the classroom.

She practiced law in the local courts, was a policy adviser, and understood the depth of complex international treaties. Her wide knowledge base in so many areas, and her involvement in different aspects of law, gave him a greater appreciation and perspective on the different ways that he pursue a career as a lawyer. 


If you get food on your plate, Matt would encourage you to do your best to eat it because leaving food on your plate in many cultures can send the wrong message. 

“You respect people through their food.”

In China, there was initial fright because of the amount of cameras. In El Salvador, there is barbed wire around the building. In Argentina, the power sometimes cut out. 

Matt W. Argentina

Matt shared that life can feel different when you're in a different location and realizing where you are in the world, and makes you even more conscious and aware of your surroundings. Throughout all these experiences, he realized that breaking out of his bubble from a place of personal growth. 

To this day, Matt stays connected with his homestay mother in Argentina. When the social media memories come up on his platforms, he always stops to reflect on what he’s learned and what he’s done to grow from experiences.


Matt wants to continue seeking his passions. He doesn't have a concrete, set-in-stone path in front of him, but he knows that he wants to find what he loves. He aspires to integrate his past experiences into his passions, and ultimately he wants to keep working to find his exact purpose in life. He wants to find what he loves. 

Our team thanks Matt for sharing his experiences with us! If you too would like to share your story, please fill out our EdOdyssey’s Monthly Feature for a chance to featured and we’ll be in touch if you’re selected!


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